Presence Phase 1: Study Visit to Belgium and Germany

During this phase, which was divided into a Francophone and Anglophone cohot, knowledge exchange was carried out with experts from European institutions and organisations on quality assurance in order to enhance the knowledge and the perspectives of the participants. Examples of established QA systems were provided, as well as up-to-date information on the European Higher Education Area and the various tools and agreements regarding quality assurance that have been concluded at the regional level. Participants had the opportunity to discuss case studies and best practices, particularly regarding the implications for the development of African quality assurance and accreditation.

Participants also had the opportunity to discuss the self-learning and investigation phase for working on well-defined questions about their national/regional QA System (Personal Action Plans), and also for preparing the next phase of the Training Course. Challenges for the development of their national system and questions related to regional and continental QA and accreditation initiatives were explored.


Training course material – Phase 1