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European Commission and African Union Commission supervisory team
- Ms. Deirdre LENNAN, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, Belgium
- Dr. Yohannes WOLDETENSAE, Education Division, African Union
- Commission, Ethiopia
- Dr. Beatrice NJENGA, Head of Education Division, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board forms part of the governance of the Initiative, though holds no formal decision power. The role of the AB is to advise on the work plan, discuss/endorse major outputs, identify important synergies and help to promote HAQAA/PAQAF at the level of countries, regions and networks.
- Dr. Tariq ALSINDI, General Secretary of the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education(ANQAHE), Bahrein
- Prof. Narend BAIJNATH, Chief Executive Officer, Council for Higher Education (CHE), South Africa
- Prof. Papa GUEYE, Secrétaire général, Autorité national d’assurance qualité de l’enseignement supérieur (ANAQ-Sup), Sénégal
- Piyushi KOTECHA, Chief Executive Officer, Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA), South Africa
- Prof. Alexander LYAMBABAJE, General Secretary of the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), Uganda
- Prof. Chiedu Felix MAFIANA, President of the African Network for Quality Assurance (AfriQAN), National University Commission, Nigeria
- Prof. Bertrand MBATCHI, Secrétaire général, Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l’Enseignement Supérieur (CAMES), Burkina Faso
- Prof. Ana Maria NHAMPULE, President, National Council on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CNAQ), Mozambique
- Prof. Is-haq OLOYEDE, Secretary General, Association of West African Universities (AWAU), Nigeria
- Prof. Sultan T. ABU-ORABI, Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities (AArU), Jordan
- Dr. Achim HOPBACH, Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria), Austria
- Prof. Israel F. ADU, Director of the African Council for Distance Education-Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE-QAAA), Kenya
- Mrs. Hassmik TORTIAN, Programme Specialist in UNESCO, Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems (in charge of quality assurance in higher education, and policy dialogue)
Technical Working Group for the development of African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance:
The Technical Working Group (TWG) was responsible for the development of African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) and the development of a review mechanism for African QAAs that is predicated on the ASG-QA. It was agreed that the members of the TWG would consist of six experts representing key stakeholders in higher education: five from Africa and one from Europe. The TWG received regular advice and support from the Advisory Board.
- Dr. Noel Biodun SALIU, Director, Quality Assurance, National Universities Commission (NUC), Nigeria
- Mrs. Caty DUYKAERTS, Director of the quality assurance agency AEQES for the French speaking Belgium, Vice-President of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Belgium
- Prof. Abdel Karim KOUMARÉ, Professor, University of Bamako, Mali, Chef du Service de Chirugie B (Institut Africain de Formation en Pédagogie, Recherche et Evaluation en Santé (IAFPRESS)
- Dr. Rispa ODONGO, Expert on quality assurance, extensive work experience at the Commission for University Education, Kenya
- Mr. Mocks SHIVUTE, Executive Director, National Council for Higher Education of Namibia
- Anneley WILLEMSE, Senior Quality Assurance Coordinator – Namibia University of Science and Technology
- Jefy MUKORA, Director, National Council for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CNAQ), Mozambique.
- Youhansen EID, Chairman National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE), Egypt.