QA Database

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The HAQAA Initiative is building a database to collect information about various Quality Assurance Experts and those interested in QA in Africa and beyond. This database will pool on existing networks and databases – for example those that have Quality Assurance expertise and those that have participated in Quality Assurance projects such as the AQRM pilot initiative in  2014/15, DAAD trained experts, the EUA/AAU, Quality Connect expert pool for institutional evaluations, AfriQAN members, IUCEA, CAMES, the AUF pool of institutional evaluators. Those interested in Quality Assurance but have no expertise skills are also invited to register on the database. Other international QA experts beyond the African continent that have a specific interest in African QA are also welcome to register.

The benefits of registering include:

  1. Participation in organised Quality Assurance forums
  2. Being part of a mailing list and receiving tailored information on Quality Assurance and on HAQAA more specifically
  3. Opportunities for learning and accessing resources on Quality Assurance
  4. Being part of a global community and getting first hand information about Quality Assurance initiatives and opportunities in Africa

Please fill this online form to be part of the Quality Assurance Database: