HAQAA Training Course – Follow-up workshop

In order to maintain the momentum generated by the HAQAA Training Course, and provide its ‘graduates’ with a means to continue the work defined in their PAPs and as HAQAA ambassadors, a follow-up workshop was organized on 24-25 April, 2018 in Cairo, hosted by NAQAAE, the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of Egypt, which organized its annual conference immediately prior.

The main objective of this workshop was:

  • to strengthen the network of African quality assurance actors and share a common understanding of ASG-QA and other tools that are under development for the PAQAF.

The workshop was attended by 40 representatives from five different regions of Africa and four linguistic groups from the African Union. As in the previous Training Course, the working languages were French and English.

The workshop was dedicated to:

  • the detailed study of ASG-QA, which was just being finalized at that time, and a debate on its implementation at the national (and regional) level, especially when it comes to parts B and C, which apply to quality assurance agencies.
  • Information and debate on the proposed QA Agency review methodology, that HAQAA is piloting in the second half of 2018.
  • Revising the Personal Action Plans (PAPs) of the Training Course, as to how far different systems have come in the past year, and discussing follow-up steps.
  • Learning about a forthcoming proposal for an African Credit Transfer System, one action line of PAQAF

Participants and also brainstormed concrete actions for maintaining the HAQAA/PAQAF network going forward. The participants volunteered to continue to support continental harmonisation actions in the future, whether through promoting the ASG-QA or taking part in QA agency review panels in regions different from their own.


Training course material – Follow up Workshop